MP E Uparjan 2023 24 Rabi – mpeuparjan [Jit Portal]

MP E Uparjan 2023 24 Rabi – mpeuparjan [Jit Portal]: E-Uparjan is a Software run by the Government. With the help of this Software, Crop is bought from Government Direct Farmer. The money for the purchased crop comes to the farmer within 7 days. The government buys it directly and sells it directly so that the farmers are Benefited.

MP E-UPARJAN PORTAL 2023 24 – PM Kishan Samman Nidhi

This is a scheme run by the government for the farmers, who do transactions with the farmers online. With the help of this portal, MP E Uparjan portal 2023 24 farmers are able to sell easily and get the proper amount. To take advantage of this, the farmers have to register themselves on the portal. In this, the entire purchase of grains is done through software only. Through this article, we are given you the complete details regarding Jit Portal their benefits, planning, documents required for registration, etc.

Overview Regrading e uparjan payment status 2023

Portal Name MP-E-Uparjan
Year 2023 24
Launch By MP Government
Beneficial  farmers of MP State
Objective Registration for selling crops at Minimum Support Price (MPS) State
Official website


एमपी-ई-उपार्जन किसान सम्मान निधि किसान पंजीकरण

किसान सम्मान निधि  योजना मुखियमंत्री द्वारा चलाई गई योजना है| इस योजना के अंतर्गत किसानो को एक साल में 3 किस्तो में 6000/- की राशि को जारी किया गया है| जो की किसानों को एकमुसत न मिलकर अलग अलग भागो में 1 साल में 3 बार में 2-2 हजार में दी जाएगी| योजना का मकसद किसानों को उनका सम्मान दिलाना है, जिसके लिए उन्हें कुछ लाभ मिले| किसान सम्मान निधि सुविधा का लाभ उठाने के लिए किसानों को ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण करना होगा| सुविधा का लाभ केवल उन किसानों को मिलेगा जिनके पास उनका आधार कार्ड है और उनका आधार कार्ड उनके बैंक खाते से लिंक है| सुविधा का लाभ उठाने के लिए किसान का जरुरी है की वह सरकार नोकरी में नहीं हो|

planning purpose of

  • The main objective of MPEUparjan scheme is to give benefit to the farmers and save them from the cheap prices of the market.
  • Through the scheme (euparjan ), all the farmers have to be directly connected with the government.
  • With this, farmers will be able to sell the crop at a better price than the market price.
  • In this, the slip of the goods sold to the farmers will be given from the SMS.

Process of mpeuparjan ,euparjan, jit portal,pm kishan Saman Nidhi

  • E-Uparjan Online Registration.
  • Message purchase information.
  • Farmer’s purchase from procurement center.
  • Transportation of purchased grain.
  • Storage of transported grain in Godown.
  • Direct payment to farmer’s bank account.

Important Document’s of MP E Uparjan 2023 23 Rabi 2023 24

  • Aadhar card
  • Farmer’s domicile certificate
  • voter id card
  • Bank account passbook
  • Mobile number
  • Bank Loan Book
  • Passport size Photo

JIT Portal Farmers of Madhya Pradesh , jit porta

JIT portal is run by the MP government, Through this, farmers can take their bank account information online. Farmers can get their bank information in two ways. One is by writing the farmer’s account number of his bank and secondly by writing his code number. Through these two methods, farmers can know their bank status through Jit Portal. This is a campaign run for the farmers, which connects them with online banking.

Objective of MP E Uparjan Portal 2023 24

Farmers’ crops are bought only through this software. After receipt of the crop, its slip is given to the farmers.The amount of grain sold reaches the farmer in 7 days.The grain purchased from the farmers is transported through e-uparjan software.From buying the crop to its completion, it is done only through this software.

 How to Download MP E Uparjan

  • First of all you have to go to Google Play Store on mobile. After that you have to search by typing “mp e uparjan” here.
  • You will then need to download and install the highest rated app.
  • Thus, with the help of this mobile app, you will be able to get benefits by registering for all other crops including Kharif, Rabi , Wheat etc.
  • You can also get the link to download the mobile app by entering your mobile number and Samagra ID number by visiting the e-procurement portal.

Process of MP E Uparjan Rabi The Rabi Registration:

  • First you have to go to the official website of mpeuparjan MP E procurement portal.
  • Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • On this home page you have to click on the link of Rabi 2023 24.
  • Now a new page will open in front of you.
  • You have to click on the link of Farmer Registration / Application Search on this page.

MP E Uparjan ,JIT Portal Kishan Panjiyan

Farmer is not the backbone of our country but of the world. Keeping this thing in mind, the Government of Madhya Pradesh has launched the portals like mp e uparjan App, uparjan app jit app has launched.To take advantage of all these, click on their official website.Click Here

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