[Who Will Be] Next President of India 2022 – President Election 2022 Candidates list [Nomination]

[Who will be] Next President Of India 2022 – President Election 2022 Candidates List [Nomination]: This year the Indian Presidential Election will be the 16th edition to be held in India. Currently, the president of India is Ram Nath Kovind and he is in office for a period of five years. In India, the president shall remain for a period of five years. An election poll to fill in the position of president is scheduled to be held on 18 July 2022. To know more about the President Election 2022 Candidates read the given article below.

Next President Of India 2022 – President Election 2022

Ram Nath Kovind is the current president of India and it’s been a 5years and now the election will continue after 5years for the new president. The election poll to fill in the office is scheduled to be held on 18 July 2022, and on 21 July 2022 the counting of votes will take place.

By an electoral college or by the members of parliament, Legislative assemblies of the 28 states, and the legislative assemblies of the Union Territories of New Delhi, Puducherry, and Jammu & Kashmir the President of India is elected. In 2021, the electoral college comprises 776 MPs and 4,120 MLAs. Who will be the Next President Of India in 2022? Read the given article below.

President Election 2022- Overview

Tite President Election 2022
Presidential Election edition 16th edition
Legislative assemblies 28 states
legislative assemblies of the Union Territories New Delhi, Puducherry, and Jammu & Kashmir
President Election Date 15 June 2022
Date of counting votes 21 July 2022
Current President of India Ram Nath Kovind
Origin India
Year of election 2022
Article name [Who will be] Next President Of India 2022- President Election 2022 Candidates List [Nomination]


President Election in India 2022 Date

On 18 July 2022, The Election Commission said that the election will be held to choose the next President of India and on 12 July 2022 the results will be announced for the next president this year. President Ram Nath Kovind’s term ends on 24th July 2022.

The member’s electoral college will choose by voting for the President 2022 consisting of members of both houses of Parliament and members of the legislative assemblies of all states. And the National Capital Territory of Delhi and the Union Territory of Puducherry will also right to choose the president.

Election schedule – President Election 2022 

Event Date Day
Issue of election commission’s notification calling the election 15 June 2022 Wednesday
Last date for making nominations 29 June 2022 Wednesday
Date for the scrutiny of nominations 30 June 2022 Thursday
Last date for the withdrawal of candidatures 2 July 2022 Saturday
The date on which a poll shall, if necessary, be taken 18 July 2022 Monday
The date on which counting, if required, shall be taken 21 July 2022 Thursday

President Election 2022 Candidates – Who can vote and how does the voting happen?

Members of the Electoral College consisting of elected Members of Parliament and of all the state assemblies including the National Capital Territory of Delhi and the Union Territory of Puducherry the President of India is elected.

The total number of electoral members for the election will be 4,809 – 776 MPs and 4,033 MLAs. Which includes 543 from Lok Sabha and 233 Rajya Sabha members. While the MPs will cast their vote in Parliament, the MLAs will do so in their respective state assemblies.


In the 2017 election, Ram Nath Kovind became the president after defeating Meira Kumar who is a joint opposition candidate. Ram Nath kovind polled 7,02,000 votes compared to Meira Kumar’s 3,67,000 out of a total of 10,69,358 votes.

Since 1977, there has only been one presidential election where Neelam Sanjiva Reddy was elected unopposed from 36 of the 37 candidates who filed nominations were rejected. Rajendra Prasad was the only president to get two full terms and Zakir Hussain and Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed could not complete their terms.

Who is the president of India?

Ram Nath Kovind

Who elected the President of India?

Members of the Electoral College consisting of elected Members of Parliament and of all the state assemblies including the National Capital Territory of Delhi and the Union Territory of Puducherry the President of India is elected.

Which edition is the presidential election in 2022?

16th edition

How many electoral members are there in the presidential election?

The total number of electoral members for the election will be 4,809 – 776 MPs and 4,033 MLAs.

When the voting will be held this year 2022?

The election poll to fill in the office is scheduled to be held on 18 July 2022, and on 21 July 2022 the counting of votes will take place.


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